Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton
Want to join the next seminar?
Registration now open!
Apply using the Participant Application link below. You will receive a confirmation from info@lescamppendleton.com confirming your application was received and is being reviewed.
Fall 2022 Seminar
Growing up (and currently residing) aboard Camp Pendleton, I've worked and volunteered within the military community for over 19 years.
Much of my time spent volunteering dates back to my completion of LES in 2009. After getting my LES certification, I went on to serve as a volunteer coordinator for a total of 7 years and have advanced my career as a leader in the military community by serving as president for a non-profit focused on supporting military children, a director of programing for service members and families and now as a center manager for a military serving organization.
Serving our military community is a very important part of my life and I continue to do this by supporting organizations like LES, who inspire me to empower other leaders and enhance our community.
In 2019 I had the honor of serving as a seminar coordinator for LES and truly feel their efforts in the military community are making an impact.
Maria, LES 2009
Register for our Spring 2023
Leadership Education Seminar.
Seminar Dates
April 28 - 30
April 28 5:00pm-8:30pm
April 29 10:00am-4:00pm
April 30 10:00am-4:00pm
Recommend a Spouse
Know a spouse who would enjoy LES? Submit a recommendation to seminar on their behalf!
I attended LES 21 years ago, and have volunteered with the seminar ever since.
It is a vibrant and dynamic program, evolving to meet the changing needs of the southern California military community. It has been an honor to spend time with a diverse group of spouses during each seminar, and then work with them as LES volunteers afterwards.
I have grown to appreciate that everyone has something tremendous to contribute. This program not only teaches leadership, but also humility, teamwork and respect.
Pam, LES 1999
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